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Philosophy & Process

Investment Philosophy

Global Evolution has been a committed and long term investor in emerging and frontier markets debt. Our philosophy is rooted in a belief that there is greater value and opportunity to be found in the less advanced countries that comprise emerging and frontier markets. Active management is paramount to successfully unlocking these opportunities. 

As such, we treat emerging and frontier markets as an ever-developing landscape, identifying sovereign and corporate investments with potential to deliver high risk-adjusted return. We strive to deliver alpha by being ahead of the curve in identifying these global evolving stories and assisting early-stage market development where necessary. 

The diverse and idiosyncratic nature of emerging markets coupled with our deep expertise and extensive experience result in portfolios with a less correlated return profile, providing diversification and dampened volatility benefits.

Investment Approach

Global Evolution’s investment approach is team-oriented, disciplined and conviction-based. We leverage the extensive knowledge and experience of our investment professionals across our four global offices in a coordinated and collaborative fashion.

To meet our investment objectives, we combine top-down research to exploit opportunities arising from macro dynamics and global investment themes and bottom-up analysis to identify dynamically improving investment opportunities. The investment management team utilizes proprietary systems to facilitate fast and thorough comparative research, risk and portfolio analysis across our wide investment universe.